GAB Announces July 3, 2020 Independence Day Weekend Live Global Benefit Presenters Announced
April 21 2020
Generations Against Bullying (GAB), a Nonprofit Organization, focused on providing support against violence and bullying to students, announces plans to collaborate with presenting contributors in organization’s upcoming live global streaming benefit.
Presenting the global benefit, in part, will be Dan Read Cosmetics and Shear Perfection Beauty Academy working together. These Upstander businesses are supporting the GAB initiative to raise awareness and to raise money for GAB supported social extracurricular solutions that benefit students.
Generations Against Bullying, (GAB) has been adopted internationally into partnering providers of schools and afternoon programs, a community made up of all generations.
GAB provides the only proven student peer to peer curriculum developed using prevention and positive reinforcement programs against physical and cyber bullying.
Through various fun extracurricular events like this one scheduled, the households are engaged by Upstander live interactive challenges. Social positive events that promote positive lifestyle choices. The Upstander event is scheduled for July 3, 2020 to happen at the eve of the Independence Day weekend celebration.
“We are very excited to support these public business challenges as Upstander programs and builds a nonprofit, for profit corporate alliance to help our children, our future.” says Linda Lee, Executive Director, Founder of GAB.
Ambassadors of Hope Celebrity Artists will perform live to the world to share in musical tribute representing some of the most iconic musical icons ever to take the stage lost to suicide and early life drug related deaths. The GAB events use entertainment and education to empower the world by advocacy in challenging a public bystander to become an Upstander against bullying.
The ultimate goal is to gain public consumer and student pledges from the public to help lower the epidemic of bullying. Lowering in the process linked suicide rates that continue to rise in all ages, too often a result of undetected bullying. The program with the support of these corporate presenters, is well on its way to helping GAB advance adoption of the students Upstander advocacy and their fundraising campaigns that result in the resources that help make it all reality.