GAB Board Member Joins Milwaukee Anti-Bullying Task Force

Generations Against Bullying Board of Directors member Dr. James Larson was recently selected to join the newly created Milwaukee Anti Bullying Task Force.
We congratulate the Milwaukee Anti Bullying Task Force for setting actionable goals to put an end bullying align perfectly with our mission and vision here at Generations Against Bullying.
Having a seat at the table will not only expand our reach as an organization but will also introduce us to new issues and solutions for a vast array task force members.

Original Reference
..Number 171461
..Version ORIGINAL
Resolution creating the Anti-Bullying Task Force.
This resolution creates a 13-member Anti-Bullying Task Force in cooperation with the Milwaukee Public Schools. The Anti-Bullying Task Force will investigate matters related to bullying incidents in Milwaukee Public Schools for the purpose of improving student and staff safety.
Whereas, Bullying and harassment create an unsafe environment in schools, interfering with students’ ability to succeed in a safe environment and to benefit from school instruction, programs and activities; and
Whereas, It is in the public interest to assure all students and staff that every person is valued and respected, regardless of perceived differences; and
Whereas, It is also in the public interest to provide safe learning environments for children, free from harassment, intimidation and bullying; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that an Anti-Bullying Task Force is created and shall consist of the following:
1. The Chairperson of the Milwaukee Public Schools’ District Advisory Council Anti-Bullying Committee, who shall be the chair of the Anti-Bullying Task Force.
2. Two members appointed by the Task Force chairperson.
3. Three members appointed by the chairperson of the Common Council’s Public Safety and Health Committee.
4. Seven members appointed by the Common Council President.
; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Anti-Bullying Task Force shall meet on a schedule to be determined by the chairperson; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Anti-Bullying Task Force shall investigate matters related to bullying incidents in Milwaukee Public Schools for the purpose of improving student and staff safety; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Anti-Bullying Task Force shall work in concert with the Milwaukee Public Schools’ District Advisory Committee Anti-Bullying Committee to devise a comprehensive strategy to combat bullying behaviors in Milwaukee Public Schools; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Anti-Bullying Task Force shall submit a report of its findings to the Common Council no later than 180 days after passage of this resolution.
LRB 170482-1
John Ledvina