What a fun night at the Milwaukee Milkmen baseball game!
GAB was invited to be the featured non-profit organization at the game between the Milkmen and the Chicago Dogs. Routine ballpark is a beautiful, first class baseball venue with lots of fun for the whole family!
GAB had an attractive informational display and numerous GAB volunteers helped man the concession stands during the game. GAB Executive Assistant, James Dean had the honor to throw out the first pitch and describe GAB’s Upstander Program for schools that can stop bullying most of the time within 10 seconds.
The Milkmen have entertaining, fun, fan participation events every inning. One of them is the “racing of the cows” during the fourth inning. GAB volunteers James Dean, Michael Turner, Brandan Turner and Brandon dressed up in cow costumes and raced along the stadium from the third base to the first base. James Dean came in last and filled a grievance that the others had a head start. Of course, the grievance went nowhere because they said Dean tried to bean one of the leaders with a baseball-great fun!
GAB thanks all the Milwaukee Milkmen fans for their generous support of our 50/50 fundraiser.
Special thanks go to the Milwaukee Milkmen organization for inviting GAB to this wonderful venue. You did an outstanding job!
And, additional special thanks to our Peer Ambassador Families:
The Kilimanns Upstander Family, Andrew (DAD), Beth (MOM), Tim (Brother), Cooper (Brother), Delaney, (Sister) and Aubrie (Sister)
The Sanchez-Hernandez Upstander Family, Martha, Yvette and Yuli.
The Turner Family, Michael and Brandon.
The Lee Upstander Family, Bohan and Anina.
Special thank you to Daniel- Upstander Volunteer.