Laws | DPI
Generations Against Bullying (GAB) strives to be the mandatory anti-bullying program of choice for all Wisconsin schools.
Our Peer Ambassador Program will undoubtedly make the desired impact and difference in elementary, middle, and high schools.
Beginning our 4th year GAB’s staff has been working very hard to develop the leadership of our Peers.
Our Goal
To develop a Program of the Peers, by the Peers, and for the Peers, to encourage upstanding against bullying, accomplished by delivering the knowledge to stop bullying to the students, where it will have its greatest impact.
State Legal Resources
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
A Comprehensive Approach to Bullying Prevention.
Wisconsin State Legislature on Bullying
Wisconsin State Legislature Policy on Bullying. Statute 118.46
Wisconsin State Legislature on Cyber Bullying
Wisconsin Legislative Council Information Memorandum on Cyber Bullying and General Bullying
Donate $1, $5, $10, $20, $500+ Every single dollar matters and goes straight towards bullying education and prevention.