We had a meeting to discuss the The Soar Above Project. Here we were able to test the lanterns that we would be using at the event to represent overcoming obstacles. When we lit the lantern and released it, it was awe inspiring.
I couldn’t believe how well the lantern floated off… it made me and the other peer ambassadors so excited about this event! It has given us the motivation to plan this event out to its full capacity and make it be a majestic event by us, the peer ambassadors of GAB!
We are all so proud of what we are working toward and can’t wait to see what happens.
The main basis of the movie was the Stand for the Silent campaign which is a voice for those that don’t speak up against bullying. There were also instances of harassment including stabbing. One girl’s family feared for their daughter’s safety at school after she came out as a lesbian. Another boy’s family, the one that was stabbed, also feared for his safety on the bus.
The movie was very emotional and it hit me really hard. I have been through bullying, some targeted at me and some targeted at my close friends, and it was very rough.
The movie reinforced the idea that you have to speak up and be an upstander because you can save lives.