The Peers shared their responses to William Henderson’s presentation about being a friend. They discussed what it meant to be a friend and how can on reach out to develop new friends.
Sahara DeVore was the guest speaker for this meeting and spoke of her passion for traveling. She works many part-time jobs to earn money to travel and has visited 65 countries. Sahara writes a blog to highlight the experience she has in her travels.
The Peers were fascinated by the various stories Sahara shared. Sahara also described how she was bullied because she was “quiet”. She related how this fit into William’s message of being a friend to someone that doesn’t seem to fit in. She shared that bullies are usually unhappy with themselves.
Movie cards were given to Sheridan and Sidney for bringing new members that have attended at least 3 GAB meetings.
Other items covered:
- The Peer Projects are now getting started, lots to discuss for the next time.
- Sheridan was going to work on a new GAB T-shirt design
- Peers were encouraged to visit the GAB website
- Peers were reminded to respond to phone calls, messages, and emails initiated by GAB
- Kim Pintar asked for Peer volunteers to sell Boston Community Day booklets as a way to earn money for Peer activities
- The Peers discussed a date for the field trip to the FBI headquarters
- The positive sayings poster project was discussed
The meeting ended with Peers being treated to pizza and beverages.