As everyone entered the room at 2:55pm to start our monthly Gab Meeting, we put our backpacks in the backpack corner and within the oval of seats we placed our Chromebooks to come back to. We grabbed some refreshments along with salty and sweet treats and headed back to the oval.
For the new peers and the peers who do not yet have face pictures, Sidney our SA announced she would take their pictures throughout the meeting.
Our Chromebooks then came into use to pull up our Gab questionnaire for completion about bullying statistics and actions. This gave us all insight on how 90% improved on our answers from the last questionnaire, because we discuss our answers and the reasoning behind them.
We all then took a look over our Code of Ethics and any questions we had on it as well as how we go about our sign-in sheet or any other procedures. To show all our hard work and care is being acknowledged in Greendale HS as well, Linda Lee our executive director announced we will be recognized as an official school club.
To celebrate we received $100 from an anonymous donor for pizzas we would use for the following meeting in December. For our discussions we had a trial run on using three balls for whomever wanted to speak. First the new members had the ball to share a little bit about them, and then we all joined in our activity to share what we’re proud of. Many were proud of their relationships with family/friends, good education, having empathy, athletic abilities, and being in GAB. Sheridan, another SA told us we all failed the activity. We realized this because we did not show pride in what we were claiming to be proud of. There was a second chance in which we all took to share again but with enthusiasm where we all passed with flying colors. In Gab we may use strong words, but they are to make a difference and open our eyes for the better. To continue that positivity, we had a dance challenge in the middle of the oval with music to jam out to.
Some who weren’t as comfortable at first still showed they enjoyed the music without standing up to dance.
For our last activity the Night Crawlers, our SA’s gave us all individual questions to think about, then we got on our stomachs and used our arms to crawl to another peer to answer that question. We answered with either our hobbies, best talent, how confident we are, what we love about ourselves, what advice we would give to boost confidence, and favorite subjects (to which someone stated elbow math haha).
To show how impactful words can be, a self-harm video was played that explained why people injure themselves as a reward for the emotional pain they experience. We all agreed to be careful how we respond to things outside of Gab meetings as well, and how two more peers could do an event and personal blog from then to the next meeting. A big reminder to us all is how we should be there for people who feel alone, by simply talking with them.
Our Chromebooks then came into use to pull up our Gab questionnaire for completion about bullying statistics and actions. This gave us all insight on how 90% improved on our answers from the last questionnaire, because we discuss our answers and the reasoning behind them. We all then took a look over our Code of Ethics and any questions we had on it as well as how we go about our sign-in sheet or any other procedures. To show all our hard work and care is being acknowledged in Greendale HS as well, Linda Lee our executive director announced we will be recognized as an official school club.