Generations Against Bullying is proud to present one of our most powerful and captivating speakers who will encourage and inspire you to change your life forever!
“REDEFINED.” This is exactly what Michael Turner has done to change his life. Michael Turner has the most powerful and captivating stories of the 21st Century.

He beat all odds something science, would calculate as nearly impossible. What contributed to Michael’s financial and independent success was leaving the gates that kept him inside for 15 years. The gate finally opened 14 years ago, and he had with him an invisible suitcase containing 10,000 invisible NO’ S. He knew it might very well take 10,000 NO’ S from every single encounter until he would get to the one “YES” he needed.
YES, it took several months, and Michael received his YES and from there he REDEFINED his life. Because he is so passionate about loving and living, he wants to share his message with you!
Today Michael Turner is a successful General Contractor owner of his own business, and soon to be author, A talk show host of the Michael Turner show, and president of a new TV network that educates and empowers our youth and families, and his determination and perseverance just keeps him sharing his messages.

Michael captivates his audience by sheer inspiration. His powerful experience gives him the edge to motivate and influence his audience from all walks of life. You leave his presentation walking away inspired and fully motivated with tools to change your life and be a better person forever!
Choices, Change, Excuses, Leadership, Experiment, American, Thinking, Powerful, Responsibility, Better, Kindness, Cause and Effect, Empathy, Motivation, Awareness, Diversity, Knowledge, Confidence and Action: You may wonder what does all this mean? You must hear Michael’s message of power and inspiration. He will change your life forever. You will be inspired to become a better citizen, a better human being, a better American, a better Mother, a better Father, a better co-worker do you get the idea, no matter what you do or who you are Michael’s presentation will change your life forever.