Thank You Ponyville Ciderfest family and friends .
Dear Charlie, Michelle, and our Ponyville Ciderfest family and friends,
Words cannot fully express how grateful we are for the support you, your team and the MLP community continue to give us at each event! We can feel the love and support each time we are there, and we are so pleased that we can do something that helps them and so many others! For us, the love and joy of this event and all the people help get us through the year!
The surprise addition of the official albums for us to sell, plus the online sales, felt like such a wonderful blessing that we had not at all expected or even hoped for! That we were able to raise over $1,000 during PVCF18 from selling the CDs is phenomenal! Then, when we add in the bake sale, the Cards for Equestria money, and the kids’ auction and, of course(!), the main auction, we can hardly believe our good fortune to have your support! Your continued commitment to GAB gives us extra strength, grit and commitment to keep on going with our efforts to make bullying prevention a top priority worldwide, and the acceptance and love that we get from the participants and your staff just powers us up in indescribable ways!
So how can we express how we feel to you? How can a simple letter, or even an image, share that with you? I don’t think it’s even possible! But, please know that your help has left an indelible imprint on each of us at GAB, and we are so thankful! We wish you great happiness and success in your lives!
A million, even a trillion, hugs and teary-eyed “Thank you!”s cannot do more than scrape the surface. I, we, can only say: THANK YOU, Charlie and Michelle, and the Ponyville Ciderfest family and friends, for all that you have done for GAB and all the children worldwide who have been, are, and will be bullied. Your impact for both GAB and the participants of your conventions is immense!
Stay humble, wonderful, loving and helpful, just like you are! Our gratitude overflows!
With immense happiness, gratitude and hugs, from everyone at GAB, to you both and all your staff and participants,
Linda Lee
Executive Director
Special thanks to Ponyville for their donation to GAB
that helps support our outreach programs.