GAB PRESENTS AT Children Come First State Conference .
November 12-13 2018
Wisconsin Family Ties State Conference – Children Come First
GAB was invited to have a booth and present to a one-hour breakout group at the Children Come First State Conference organized by Wisconsin Family Ties. Wisconsin Family Ties is the only statewide, parent-run organization in Wisconsin working with families that include children with social, emotional or behavioral challenges. The organization helps families navigate the complex service and treatment systems.
What a terrific two days! Our booth was continually busy and we ran out of brochures and handouts because of the demand. The audience was a perfect fit for GAB as many of the parents have children who are being bullied because of their challenges. The parents were very supportive of our positive Upstander Program to address bullying. We spoke with so many wonderful parents and their children and listened to their stories.
Our breakout presentation included a Power Point presentation along with a question and answer period that engaged the audience. We had parents, teachers, social workers, counselors and principals in or audience.
The Conference was also very informative for us as we learned so many things from parents and the professionals that were there.
Thank you to all the parents and children who came to our booth. And, thank you to Alison Wolf, Training Director, Family Ties, and her staff for all you hard work in making this conference a first class event.

Special thanks to Ponyville for their donation to GAB
that helps support our outreach programs.