January 31st, 2020
Thank you, Mr. Scott Roehl, Engineering Teacher, Volleyball Coach and Robotics Advisor of Asa Clark Middle School, for inviting Generations Against Bullying to present to your student group of Upstanders, previous name Anti-Bully Design Thinking Group. What an amazing, dedicated, compassion and determined group of Upstanders. These students are the next generation of leaders who will bring back the kindness and caring our schools and communities desperately need. We talked about who has the power to stop bullying, “students” have the power. Bullying does not occur in front of the teachers, counselors, administrators and in many cases the parents are the last to know. The Peer Ambassador Upstander program is a 12-month curriculum designed to put the power back into the hands of the students providing the students with the knowledge, resources and tools to help intervene in a non-threatening way-how to become an Upstander and not a bystander.
Mr. Roehl has spent the past several months with his students working on bullying issues and it is obvious because the students had insightful answers to all the concerns of bullying. They all participated and had creative strategies for combating bullying. They understood when a new student starts school and how difficult it might be to adjust. They talked about a simple gesture of inviting the new student to sit with their group for lunch. The Students of Clark Middle school are ready to start the Peer Ambassador Upstander Program along with Gooseberry Planets award winning Cyber Educations Platform. They are ready to be in the forefront as leaders to end our nation’s bullying epidemic. WAY TO GO CLARK MIDDLE SCHOOL PEER AMBASSADORS UPSTANDERS!