Dec 23rd, 2020

Streamcaster Sports & News: January 2021
The coverage of Friday Night Lights, Basketball or other sports not to mention Saturday’s College Coverage is found in cooperation with the college students in the Streamcaster Sports World. This journey in organic journalism, like most of our Interactive engagement programs, is considered what should become a world class empowerment program.
A highly appealing extracurricular activity to the years of Alumni pledged by the partnership and primarily active Jr./Sr. high school students who aren’t addressed in sports engagement typically. We want the underclasses to strive to benchmarks only acquired in experience and waiting their time to be that Jr./Sr..
The online Upstander Streamcaster hosting system is being tested by our director of corporate networks in Kyle Miller. In fact, this robust online platform is simple to establish and easy to customize each local schools pages.
This will provide the Streamcaster’s the proper ignition in the pending entry of the Alumni from the renowned Sports Camp in New Jersey; thereafter adding the new graduates from the new Upstander Streamcaster Sports & News Camp.
Expanding new showcases into the Sports Camp studio weekly, the useful information from these young people being shared is intended to be attractive to our core younger student household audiences.
The demographics targeted is 8-40 years old, accounting for the appropriate student ages & typical still at home student era parenting ages in the scope of our reach of the older demographics.
The reporting criteria is unbiased having no relevant resources approved of any news or sports revolving around religious or political subject matter or non-truth. Streamcaster’s are to use a core principle of providing tutorials in support of facts, with their reporting ethics being practiced.
At the very start of 2021, many thousands of hours of local Streamcaster stories and event coverages will start to impact our library of uploaded content.
Highly sought after then by the local response to their own community affected by the media teams, who at the same time do serve as their own marketing machine in local celebrity and exposure initially and ongoing into major network news and lifestyle coverage.
Each Streamcaster team will be first shown how to establish their custom log in pages to upload their materials. Secondly, how to attach local sponsors to their pages specifically additionally joining our national embedded sponsors to select materials we place in rotation.
The Upstander Network option of Streamcaster’s is also being embedded into the VrTUO Sports World and News totally separately for our adult exposure so these levels of reach may identify with the same options for their young family members.
The Alumni do have credentials into major sports events as part of the twenty year programs protocols working with CBS and other major networks covering sports who have been amazing supporting of this specific reporting program’s curriculum.
The Upstander Official Banking Partner is to issue the active Streamcasters reloadable debit cards that are loaded with their monthly share of the advertising revenues imposed by their materials, (the same as all others) that is being embedded into their programs.
The advertising contracts are and have been completed as reported and are on file with the studios. These are held by our director of global networks, Fred Taylor with our board provided a copy of such results so the students are in very good shape there as a means to monetize their works.
Sheyla Paz & Deniece Ward-Barns are our national and international team leaders from VrTUO Studios who will be guiding the Streamcaster tutoring in VrTUO online Zoom level sessions open to all students nationally engaged directly into the program. Imagine now the power of all these students collectively working as one Upstander community of intellectual students forming what equates to a more educated, sophisticated YouTube hosting platform and more for organized programs not in an open access platform to the uploading of the rest of the world.

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