He’s a Super Bowl winner and Packers Hall of Famer, but William Henderson is something else, too: a victim of bullying.
You would never guess the fullback, who was a bruising blocker for the Packers for 12 seasons, would be a victim. That’s why he’s on a mission to help both victims and bullies to break the cycle
“Because of my clean-cut nature and good manners, they felt I was a threat. My life, literally handgun in hand, was threatened.”
Henderson and NBC26 are teamed up with us for a month-long campaign to fight the problem of bullying in our communities. October is National Bullying Prevention Month.
Henderson shared his story with NBC26 Live at 10 and described what he went through and how he’s helping kids fight the problem now.
If you’re a victim or a bully who wants to stop, view more of our GABNOW.ORG for more information.