GAB GIVES anti-bully presentation for Heidi Bach’s Brownies.
January 14, 2019
Roosevelt Elementary School
Wauwatosa, Wi
GAB was invited to Girl Scout Troop monthly meeting to make an anti-bully presentation for Heidi Bach’s Brownies. What a great group of Brownies! Because of the previous training that Heidi has done, these young girls have a very solid understanding of bullying, bystanders and upstanders. I’m sure they all are going to be wonderful contributors at Roosevelt to make it a happy, positive school. All 18 girls volunteered to present anti-bully skits using our GAB Puppets. We had 3 groups that made great presentations!
The girl’s participation earned them the Girl Scout Upstander Patch and their leaders attached them to the girl’s uniforms at the meeting. They all received an Upstander Certificate for reciting the GAB Upstander Pledge.
Thank you Troop for you hospitality.
Special thanks to Ponyville for their donation to GAB
that helps support our outreach programs.