Generations Against Bullying® Giving Tuesday.
Bullying is a National epidemic! It’s so bad that “bullycide” (suicide as a direct result of bullying) is now one of the leading causes of death in our middle school children. Bullying doesn’t occur in front of administrators, counselors or teachers. Bullying occurs in front of the students and they do not like to witness it either, but they do not know what to do about it.
GAB has a very positive approach to bullying with our Peer Ambassador Upstander Program. Bullying will stop within 10 seconds almost all of the time if a bystander to bullying becomes an Upstander in a non-threatening way. Therefore, the solution to stop bullying rests in the hands of the students. That’s exactly what our Peer Ambassador Upstander Program does – teaches students how to become an Upstander.
You can help us stop bullying by donating to GAB to help establish more Peer Ambassador Upstander Programs in our schools. Please make a donation and then browse our website see all the wonderful things we are accomplishing.
YOUR DONATION HELPS END BULLYING. Donate $1, $5, $50, $100, $500+ or any amount you choose. Every dollar matters and 100% of your donation goes straight towards bullying education and prevention.