October 20, 2018
Camp Alice Chester
East Troy, Wisconsin
The Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast invited GAB to have a booth and present a breakout activity at their Community Event Provider at Camp Alice Chester on beautiful Booth Lake. About 40 Girl Scouts and their parents were introduced to GAB and our Upstander Program. During the breakout session James spoke of the importance of having the courage to act as an Upstander in the face of bullying. He related this courage to the training that the girls receive in their troop activities that help build a girls self-esteem and self-worth and the ability to be a leader. James, with help from GAB volunteer Yvette Rodriguez, demonstrated that if you fill your everyday life with positive activities it leaves little room to have the negative influences affect you.
James presented the Girl Scout Upstander Patch that Gab developed for our partnership with the Girl Scouts. Each girl can earn the patch by doing the anti-bully program activites that GAB has created for each age group of the troops.
Special thanks to Mary Baierl, Girl Scout Manager, for her wonderful hospitality and for sharing some delicious Girl Scout Cookies.

Special thanks to Ponyville for their donation to GAB
that helps support our outreach programs.