September 24th, 2020

Miss Wisconsin USA Ambassador, Leia Rios
Dear Troop Leaders and Girl Scouts,
Our mission is to reach out to all our children who are suffering the severe consequences of bullying, to provide hope for the future, and to help the bullies stop their behavior. We know a key element in changing the bullying behavior is to provide the tools necessary to change a bystander into an upstander. When a bystander stands up, 85% of the time the bullying will stop within the first 10 seconds.
Leia is a remarkably talented and inspirational role model, with excellent communication skills.
Generations Against Bullying (GAB) and Leia share the same passion in helping our youth combat the epidemic of bullying in our great nation.
We know it’s going to take our combined efforts to provide the hope our children are so desperately seeking. According to bullyingstatistics.org, in a 2010 report, suicide continues to be one of the leading causes of death among children under the age of 14; “Bullycide” is a term used to describe this suicide. Daily, we know that nearly 3 million children go to school afraid because of bullying. This is a serious crisis our nation is struggling with, and our schools cannot combat this problem alone.
Please contact us today and we will arrange for Miss Wisconsin USA Ambassador, Leia Rios to come and speak to your troops,
Compliments of Generations Against Bullying.
Linda Lee
President of Generations Against Bullying
(414) 241-2465
Leia Rios, Miss Wisconsin USA Ambassador Pre-Teen, has partnered with Generations Against Bullying to reach out to communities, Girl Scout Troops and schools throughout Wisconsin, the Nation, and Internationally, to help raise awareness about bullying, educate our youth about bullying prevention and how to become an Upstander.
Leia chose to take the pledge against bullying as she has personally experienced bullying due to her learning disability. For that reason she has become a mentor and practices daily the bug and a wish. Which means you tell someone “It bugs me when you do this.’ I wish you would stop.” Leia is honored to join Generations Against Bulling (GAB) and be a role model to help deliver GAB’s anti-bullying and Upstander message.
Leia has seen how the severity of the bullying and cyber-bullying epidemic is undeniably increasing throughout the nation. There is a new bullying-related case in the news on a daily basis. Children need our help. Victims of bullying need our help. No one should ever be bullied or made fun of. We are all unique in our own ways and Leia wants to be sure everyone feels good, loved and accepted for who they are.