St Matthias Open House Big Success for GAB.
August 22, 2018
St. Matthias Elementary School
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
What a great evening! GAB was invited to host a booth at the St. Matthias Elementary School open house for parents and students. St. Matthias is going to partner with GAB to install our Peer Ambassador Upstander Program (PAUP) in the upcoming school year.
The impetus to do this started last year when three sixth grade students were interested in starting an anti-bully club. Angie Kasal encouraged her daughter Jenna and friends Amelia and Bella to do some research about bullying.
What they found during their Internet search was GAB, and reached out to us to learn more about our organization. We spoke with the young students, and they were excited to hear about our programs and used that energy to organize a meeting with GAB, St. Matthias’ principal and some PTO members. This presentation created the enthusiasm to begin our PAUP this upcoming 2018-19 school year.
At the open house we met many parents and students who were very enthusiastic about GAB beginning at St. Matthias. Special thanks go to the three students whos enthusiasm created this opportunity; Angie Kasal; St. Matthias’ Principal, Karen Earl for helping make this happen; and the Waukesha County Community Foundation for the funding to carry out our GAB Program.
Special thanks to Ponyville for their donation to GAB
that helps support our outreach programs.