Successful Event at Kelleys Bleachers.
Kelly’s Bleachers
Big Bend, WI
November 18th, 2018
GAB held a successful fundraiser at Kelly’s Bleachers in Big Bend WI. What a fun time getting to meet so many nice people who came in over the course of the afternoon. For many of these people it was their first exposure to GAB and our Upstander Program. Everyone was very supportive of what we are doing. We had a wide variety of silent auction items that people could choose to bid on from “Cop for a Day”, spa and hotel packages, artwork, and sports memorabilia.
Everyone had a great time, and sometimes things happen that you least expect. We met a Mom who has lost a 15-year-old son to bullycide. Despite this tragic event in her life, she and Linda Lee discussed the possibility of forming a support group for those who have lost family members to bullycide. Plans are in progress to make this happen. It may be the only group of it’s kind in the country. Thank you Jamie for reaching out to us.

Special thanks to Ponyville for their donation to GAB
that helps support our outreach programs.